About me

Image of Sarah The ADHD Coach. Sarah is smiling, she has white skin, dark hair and is wearing glasses

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The new tab is the ADHD WA site

Sarah is a professional member of ADHD WA

Relevant Experience


Graduate of ADDCA - global leader in ADHD Coach training: accredited by ICF and PAAC

1st Class BA (Hons) Primary Years Education with QTS (Lincoln UK)

Teacher - specialist interest area EBD (Emotional Behavioural Difficulties)

Nominated participant: 'National ADHD Consumer Forum' consultation process 2020

Selected participant: 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education (DSE)

Wrote ADHD submission paper for Stage 2 National Disability Strategy consultations

Co-represented at ACE multi-stakeholder meetings with WA Minister for Education office and shadow minister

Founded school-based community support network

Contributed to PBS submission for removal of Vyvanse age criteria

Image with the words: Neuroscience, neurodivergent, educator, SLD, mindfulness, life coach, advocate, mother, relational neuroscience, learning differences, neuroception, human rights, inclusive, sensory, self-reg. Accompanying text reads: Hi there, I have a lifetime of ADHD experiences. As a child, a parent, a family member, a disengaged student and as a teacher. I am driven by the sanctity of human rights.

Have the courage to be who you are.

This means shaping your life to fit your distractibility, impulsiveness, high energy and need for stimulation.

Lara Honos Webb PhD

Certificate of Attendance.pdf